This documentation will help you create an iWeekender Events web widget with interactive maps that you can use for your pages. By specifying only the location and affiliate ID, you can instantly create an event map for a specific location, city or site and integrate them into your website.
A quick guide to integration using JavaScript code
The script below is all you need to create a map. Simply copy and paste the below script anywhere in the body tag where you want the map to appear. Then change the 4 parameters (partner ID, latitude, longitude and zoom level) in the code.
An interactive map of New York City
Required parameters:
1. Partner ID
affiliate_id - Having an affiliate ID will help us keep track of clicks, loads and earnings. You can use any characters you like.
2. Location
Latitude and longitude coordinates - "lat": 40.7523380, "lon":-73.98325680 OR an address must be provided in text format - "address": "New York City, Midtown"
We recommend using the lat/lng coordinates if you have access to them since they will always be more precise. For the address method, try to feed as much info as possible (venue name, street address, city, country, etc.)
3. Zoom level Zoom is an optional parameter. You can specify a value from 1 to 18.
18 is the maximum zoom, 1 is the whole global map displayed.
We recommend a value between 13 and 15.
Optional parameters:
1. City name or greeting
"city" : { "name" : "city_name" }
You can specify the city where the object is located or write a greeting.
For example: We are happy to welcome you at our hotel in New York
2. Main icon
"event" : { "icon" : "icon_url" }
You can specify an icon for the main pin in the center of the map by URL.
Static: Email & social media integration
With our service, you can create a screenshot of your map for your email or social media campaigns.
Tech support
Do you have any questions? Email us: